Why Personality Profiling Matters

Personality Profiling

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Personality Profiling

When it comes to recruiting, there are three main considerations we need to make when it comes to hiring the right candidate for your business:

  1. Does the candidate posses the correct skills and experience for the job criteria?
  2. Do they have the necessary enthusiasm and motivation to perform well in the job?
  3. Will their personality and values match those of the company – in short – will they fit in?

If we look at number one on the list, this should be evident from looking at their CV. Their skills, qualifications and job history will paint a picture as to how well they will be able to physically perform the tasks that are relevant to the position. But how can we truly know the answers to numbers 2 and 3 other than what a candidate tells us? No prospective candidate is going to walk into an interview and be anything less than enthusiastic about what is being asked of them. Saying yes, nodding enthusiastically and appearing to be saying the right things is what we expect, but we believe you need to dig a little deeper if you want to find the right fit for your business.

How can you dig a little deeper?

Personality profiling or psychometric testing is a scientific method of testing that is used to measure an individual’s behavioural style to ascertain their suitability for a role based on the required personality traits and cognitive abilities. The extent of a candidates ability to be successful in a role will depend largely on these personality behaviours, and this is something that any hiring manager would be hard pushed to measure without the use of specialist programmes.

Why should you consider profiling for both recruitment and productivity?

We are all individuals. In fact, this is what makes the human race such an amazing species. We all think, act and react differently and while this might make for an interesting world, when it comes down to the workplace, we need to ensure that these individuals are matched to the right jobs, the right teams and indeed, the right business. By using personality profiling, you can garner a clearer picture of your workforce; how they approach tasks and the tools they need to be successful. Once you have this information, you can focus on how to build on these skills to ensure each individual has both personal successes and that teams understand how to work with each other. Once you have the formula right, you will have a more productive, engaged and cohesive workforce.

What types of profiling are there?

There are two main types that measure personality and aptitude. Personality explores motivations and values and looks at how an employee or candidate’s character fits with your organisation. It focuses on how that individual manages emotions, behaviours and relationships in a variety of situations. Aptitude looks at an individuals reasoning and cognitive ability. Does that individual have the right skill set for a given role or task?

What formats are there for Profiling?

Profiling is all based around Q&A. Questions are asked, and an answer is submitted. There are several types of tests such as Syllogisms, Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Tests, Logical Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning and Situational Judgement Test to name but a few. How these methods are applied will depend on the programme you use, at GMD People we use a combination of both, a simple Q&A and gamification process. 

Lost hires and a lack of employee productivity costs employers tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of pounds a year. Using employee or candidate profiling techniques can not only help businesses to ensure they are selecting candidates with the right skills and behaviours needed to fit into their business model, but it can also ensure cohesive teams that are engaged, focused and have the right tools and knowledge to perform at their best for your business.

We at GMD People have a selection of over 50 activities, covering personality profiling, emotional intelligence, social competence, career interests and values, emotional wellbeing, measuring a range of cognitive skills and abilities, which builds a completely personal and detailed picture of the individual – Taking the guesswork out of recruiting or team fit and development.

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